Our History

Learn more about our events & activities

19 Dec 2023
INVESTOR'S roundtable

On December 19th, Investor’s Roundtable took place in Leuven. This forum brought together investors and venture capitalists to explore opportunities for collaborations and gains within the investment community.

15 Nov 2023


Startup Stories is an event featuring innovative speakers to motivate and challenge you through their inspiring stories. Sarah De Greef and Ann Van Dessel from Teast.One , shared valuable insights and experiences. 

11 Oct 2023


Startup Stories is an event featuring innovative speakers to motivate and challenge you through their inspiring stories. Mattias Losoli from Talk To C and  Yanis Fares from BeAngels, shared valuable insights and experiences.

28 Sept 2023


On September 28th, startups and scaleups pitched their innovative ideas, products and services to a seasoned jury. It was a moment of inspiration for the Leuven startups community. It was a fun and professional night at Irish College in Leuven.

09 Sept 2023


Startup Stories is an event featuring innovative speakers to motivate and challenge you through their inspiring stories. Emiel Cockx CEO of Genvision and Jeroen Lecoutere CEO of Swimtraxx, shared valuable insights and experiences.

7 July 2023

STARTUP Social Club

StartUP Social Club brings together young entrepreneurs, startup founders and investors seeking new partnerships and connections, which will elevate your networking capital and who knows what it will bring to you or your company.

14 Jun 2023


Startup Stories is an event featuring innovative speakers to motivate and challenge you through their inspiring stories. Marie Logie, co-founder of Better App, Nathan Blondé, founder of ZazouGroup, and Thomas Vyncke, co-founder of Companion.energy, shared valuable insights and experiences.

27 Apr 2023

STARTUP Social Club

StartUP Social Club brought together young entrepreneurs, startup founders and investors seeking new partnerships and connections, with the goal of elevating their networking capital, and hopefully opened new doors for them and their companies, in a fun and stress-free atmosphere.

02 Mar 2023

Brussels StartUP Night

Value Network launched in Brussels in a truly remarkable way during the Brussels StartUP Night where we welcomed over 70 attendees in a fun and innovative venue at @eHealth Valley. It was so rewarding to encounter many entrepreneurs, innovators, and young professionals from various sectors.

30 Sep 2022


On September 30th, startups and scaleups pitched their innovative ideas, products and services to a seasoned jury. It was a moment of inspiration for the Leuven startups community. It was a fun and professional night at Marie Thumas.

11 Jun 2022


Leuven’s best innovators were presented followed by an award ceremony but also a delicious walking dinner, numerous networking opportunities and an amazing afterparty.

12-13 Nov 2021


Climathon is a city-based, global programme that offers a pathway to climate action. It’s a place where we brought different people with various backgrounds to brainstorm innovative ideas to tackle problems together. All the coaches, jury members and experts lent their expertise to guide and nurture the fresh ideas crafting strategies to make Leuven a green city.

THERMALTOWER won the challenge, promoting the most innovative project and pitch.

8 Oct 2021


StartUP WarmUP is the place where we watched startups and scaleups pitch their innovative ideas, products and services to a seasoned jury, networked with representatives and enjoyed the afterparty (AfterNetwork), with amazing music played by our DJs.

27 Aug 2021


This is a chance to get out there and network in the gardens of Irish College, an idyllic old monastery. We enjoyed some sunshine in the beautiful garden while meeting new, interesting people.

1 Jul 2021


AfterNetwork is an opportunity to network in a relaxed environment with a nice view of Leuven's skyline. Enjoying the company of not only other professionals but also some live music and good cocktails!

9 Jun 2021


Innovation Tasting served an introduction to the world of innovation along with the possibility to connect with like-minded attendees.

April 2020

LVN become part of Leuven MindGate

LVN is on the rise and needs a structured approach. After fruitful discussions with the City of Leuven, a strategic decision emerged: LVN will not form its own vzw, but rather will collaborate with Leuven MindGate vzw, maintaining its autonomy,& branding. United, the two organizations are poised to more effectively drive innovation in the region.



The monthly Value Networks received a slight make-over with the goal to improve the self-development of attendees even more.



The outbreak of Covid-19 in March 2020, was an unforeseen challenge for the event industry. As a result, ᒪ ᐯ ᑎ started to set up new, online events like the completely sold out first edition of Startup Stories where young entrepreneurs could share their experiences.



Whereas the focus initially laid on mostly organizing events, it has grown towards a full-scale community including close partnerships with big players like Leuven MindGate, KU Leuven, UCLL, Cronos Leuven, City of Leuven and many more.


By constantly recruiting qualitative additions to the team we ensure to be ever dynamic, innovative and open-minded. The healthy mix between fresh faces and core members guarantees a non-stop exchange of divergent expertise.



Eventually, the hard work of the young and ambitious team resulted in the organization's first-ever event, namely AfterNetwork. From then on, ᒪ ᐯ ᑎ would become the go-to organization for addressing the innovative value of Leuven.


It was also remarkable that from the very beginning young minds were the main building blocks of ᒪ ᐯ ᑎ's DNA. Not only the team itself but the community as well, as around 80% consists of young innovators.


Jente Schoutens founded Leuven Value Network to create a new type of innovation networking events, specifically tailored to the younger generation to which he belongs. Mixing good content, networking (apps) and music, all in a new work & play formula.

PRE - ᒪ ᐯ ᑎ

Our founder organises all kinds of student parties across Leuven in every possible venue including Alma 2, Social Club, Rumba, Albatros, Blauwe Kater, Lido, T'Archief etc.. He also started working at the European Institute of Innovation & Technology where he learned the power of innovation networking events. "Could the 2 be mixed?" he started thinking"

// // This file is meant to regroup your javascript code. You can either copy/past // any code that should be executed on each page loading or write your own // taking advantage of the Odoo framework to create new behaviors or modify // existing ones. For example, doing this will greet any visitor with a 'Hello, // world !' message in a popup: // /* odoo.define('website.user_custom_code', function (require) { 'use strict'; var Dialog = require('web.Dialog'); var publicWidget = require('web.public.widget'); publicWidget.registry.HelloWorldPopup = publicWidget.Widget.extend({ selector: '#wrapwrap', start: function () { Dialog.alert(this, "Hello, world!"); return this._super.apply(this, arguments); }, }) }); */ /*javascript for job form application */ const input = document.getElementById('recruitment1'); const input2 = document.getElementById('recruitment2'); const input3 = document.getElementById('recruitment3'); const input4 = document.getElementById('oq0n5e284u') const input5 = document.getElementById('s4mwapgldsi') let inputs = [input, input2,input4,input5]; inputs.forEach((input, i) => { if (input) { input.addEventListener('input', function() { try { if (input.checkValidity()) { input.classList.add('is-valid'); input.classList.remove('is-invalid'); input.parentElement.nextElementSibling.style.display = 'block'; } else { input.classList.add('is-invalid'); input.classList.remove('is-valid'); input.parentElement.nextElementSibling.style.display = 'none'; } } catch (error) { console.error('Recruitment error:', error); } }); } // else { // console.log("Input element " + i + "is null"); // } }); /*------------hiding fields if the position is the open one-------------------*/ try { var jobNameElement = document.querySelector('.nameOfJob'); if (jobNameElement) { var jobName = jobNameElement.textContent.toLowerCase(); console.log(jobName); var keywordToHide = 'open'; var hideFields = false; if (jobName.includes(keywordToHide)) { hideFields = true; } var toHideFields = document.querySelectorAll('.toHide'); var toShowFields = document.querySelectorAll('.Showfield'); var resume = document.querySelector("[name='Resume']"); var toKeep = document.querySelector(".toKeep"); var requiredMark = toKeep.querySelector('div label span:nth-child(2)'); // console.log("the resume element", resume); // console.log('the resquired mark of the resume field', requiredMark); for (var i = 0; i < toHideFields.length; i++) { //if it's the open position if (hideFields) { toHideFields[i].style.display = 'none'; //make all the hided elements optional toHideFields[i].querySelectorAll('[required]').forEach(function (element) { element.removeAttribute('required'); }); //show new fields that are just for the open position for (const field of toShowFields){ field.style.display = 'block'; console.log("showing fields") // set the state of the fields as optional field.querySelectorAll('[required]').forEach(function (elt){ elt.setAttribute('required','1'); }); } //set resume as optional resume.removeAttribute('required') requiredMark.style.display = 'none'; } else { toHideFields[i].style.display = 'block'; for (const field of toShowFields){ field.style.display = 'none'; // set the state of the fields of the open position as optional field.querySelectorAll('[required]').forEach(function (elt){ elt.removeAttribute('required'); }); } //set back resume as required resume.setAttribute('required','1'); requiredMark.style.display = 'block'; } } } // else { // console.log('.nameOfJob element not found'); // } } catch (error) { console.error('Hiding fields for Open position error:', error); } /* REST api to get countries code*/ const selectCountries = document.getElementById('country-codes'); if (selectCountries) { // Make a request to the API endpoint fetch('https://restcountries.com/v3.1/all') .then(response => response.json()) .then(data => { // Extract the country codes from the response const countryCodes = data.map(country => country.cca2); // Add the country codes to the selectCountries element countryCodes.forEach(code => { const option = document.createElement('option'); option.value = code; option.text = code; selectCountries.appendChild(option); }); }) .catch(error => console.log(error)); } // Function to show the selected page content and hide others function showPage(page) { try { var pageContents = document.getElementsByClassName("page-content"); var navLinks = document.getElementsByClassName("nav-link"); for (var i = 0; i < pageContents.length; i++) { if (i === page - 1) { pageContents[i].style.display = "block"; navLinks[i].classList.add("active"); } else { pageContents[i].style.display = "none"; navLinks[i].classList.remove("active"); } } } catch (error) { console.error('showPage error:', error); } } //search bar for the job-------------------------------------------------------- // making sure that the code is executed before the dom is loaded. /*document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() { function searchWithinPage() { var searchQuery = document.querySelector('.oe_search_box'); if (!searchQuery) { console.error('Search input element not found'); return; } var searchValue = searchQuery.value.toLowerCase().trim(); var elementsToSearch = document.getElementsByClassName('searchingArea'); for (var i = 0; i < elementsToSearch.length; i++) { var content = elementsToSearch[i].textContent.toLowerCase(); if (searchValue === '') { elementsToSearch[i].classList.remove('highlight'); } else { if (content.includes(searchValue)) { elementsToSearch[i].classList.add('highlight'); } else { elementsToSearch[i].classList.remove('highlight'); } } } } var searchBox = document.querySelector('.oe_search_box'); if (searchBox) { searchBox.addEventListener('input', function() { if (this.value.trim() === '') { var highlightedElements = document.querySelectorAll('.highlight'); highlightedElements.forEach(function(element) { element.classList.remove('highlight'); }); } }); } else { console.error('Search input element not found'); } });*/ // newsletter reset ------------------------------------------------------------- // Get the email input element and the subscribe button element const emailInput = document.querySelector('.js_subscribe_email'); const subscribeButton = document.querySelector('.js_subscribe_btn'); // const thanksButton = document.querySelector('.js_subscribed_btn'); const thanksButton = document.querySelector('.btn-success'); // try { // if (emailInput && subscribeButton && thanksButton) { // console.log('1') // window.addEventListener('load', function() { // console.log('2') // emailInput.value = ''; // subscribeButton.style.display = 'inline-block'; // thanksButton.style.display = 'none'; // }); // } // } // catch (error) { // console.log('3') // console.error('Window addEventListener error:', error); // } // try{ // let email = emailInput.value.trim(); // console.log("this is the email",email); // const handelInput(e){ // const emailvalue = e.target.value ; // console.log("email value", emailvalue); // } // emailInput.addEventListener("change", handelInput); // }catch(e){ // console.log("we can't find the email or its value") // } // // Add event listener to the subscribe button // if (subscribeButton) { // console.log('4') // console.log("this is subscribeButton",subscribeButton); // console.log("this is thanksButton",thanksButton); // try { // console.log('5') // const handelSubmit = (e)=>{ // e.preventDefault(); // Prevent the default form submission // console.log('5.1') // // Get the entered email // // Validate the email (you can add your own email validation logic here) // if (email !== '') { // console.log('6') // // Hide the subscribe button and show the thanks message // subscribeButton.style.display = 'none'; // thanksButton.style.display = 'inline-block'; // // Reset the input field after 3 seconds // console.log('111') // subscribeButton.removeEventListener('click', handelSubmit); // console.log('222') // setTimeout(function() { // console.log('6.1') // subscribeButton.style.display = 'inline-block'; // console.log('6.2') // thanksButton.style.display = 'none'; // emailInput.value = ''; // emailInput.innerText = ''; // window.location.reload(); // }, 3000); // // return; // } // } // subscribeButton.addEventListener('click', handelSubmit); // } // catch (error) { // console.log('7') // console.error('subscribeButton error:', error); // } // } // console.log('8') // console.log("Subscribed email: " + localStorage.getItem('subscribedEmail')); // this code is for newsletter confirmation on mobile function showThankYouMessage() { alert("Thank you for submitting the form!"); }